Youth Interdenominational Son-Day School
Welcome to YISS. This section is under the umbrella of Practical Christian Living. You are in for an awesome learning experience. No matter what your age, I hope that you are a "youth" at heart and willing to know your heavenly Father. Peruse the tabs and pick one that interests you.

We're headed to YISS Son-day School.

Son-Day School
Did you ever go to Sunday School? Did you learn anything? What do you remember now? Does it have any affect on your life now? Are you still going to Sunday School? If not, why not? Many of us learned the familiar stories when we were children in Sunday School. Unfortunately, many of us left Sunday School and the church when we were no longer under our parents or guardians care. Some of us never attended Sunday School in our lives and the things listed in the Christian Bible are totally foreign to us. Even the few things that we remember fail us in our conversations with others who are more versed in their faith.
Do you want to know more about the Bible? Your life depends upon what you know about the Word of God. It may not matter to you now but one day you will stand before the judge of all the earth and will have to give an account of your life and the things that you have done in the body that He gave you. I know that you believe that you can do this later, many years later but even the next few minutes are not promised to you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by at least finding out who you really are and why you are on this earth. Like fish swimming in the water, you never know when you will take the wrong bait and end up being caught. Wouldn't you like to know the difference between the real bait of love that God gave through His Son Jesus that leads to eternal life and the false bait of the Devil that leads to everlasting hell. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and God loves you but He gave you a mind. It is your choice. Choose today who you will serve. It really is all about Jesus Christ.
Send an email to me for suggestions on topics that you are interested in.