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AISS Questions Genesis

(Reading the Bible Genesis to Revelation)

These questions are provided for you in the event you missed any of the sessions or started the AISS sessions in the middle or you just wish to review prior lessons. Obviously, more material was covered as we discussed each section but the questions will serve to keep you focused as you read, similar to an outline. The answers are purposely not given as the questions are designed to encourage you to find the answers in the Holy Scriptures, think, meditate upon your answers and discuss them with others. 


Ponder means to think about something carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.


Ponder – The Creation

1. What was created on the 1stday of the week?

 2. What was created on the 2ndday of the week?

3. What was created on the 3rdday of the week?

4. What was created on the 4thday of the week?

5. What was created on the 5thday of the week?

6. What was created on the 6thday of the week?

7. What happened on the 7thday of the week?

8. How was the surface of the earth watered?

9. Were things of creation created whole? How did subsequent things come about?

10. Of what substance did God make man?

11. In whose image was man made?

12. What is a “living soul”?


Ponder – The Garden of Eden

1. What was the name of the garden in which Adam was placed?

2. What are the specific names of the two trees that God placed in the garden?

3. Was Adam given a specific responsibility in respect to the garden?

4. What specific instructions did God give man regarding these two trees?

5. What are the name of the four rivers that flowed out of Eden?

6. Who named all of the creatures in the garden?

7. What is the one thing that God said was not good?

8. Whose idea was it that man should have a companion?

9. Why did God put Adam into a deep sleep?

10. Specifically how did the woman come into being?

11. What did God call this being?

12. Were the man and woman ashamed considering they were unclothed?


Ponder (Adam & Eve – The Garden) 

1. Where was the garden?

2. Why were Adam and Eve ashamed AFTER eating the fruit in the garden?

3. What was meant in Genesis 3:15 when God said to the serpent that there would be enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed: it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel?

4. Why was Adam afraid of God's voice walking in the garden?

5. What did Adam and Eve initially cover themselves with?


Ponder – The Serpent in the Garden

1. What was the most cunning beast in the garden?

2. Was this beast able to speak?

3. What specific words did he tell the woman that contradicted what God had said?

4. Did the man and the woman eat of the fruit of the tree that God said not to eat?

5. What happened to their eyes immediately after they ate of the fruit that they were not supposed to eat?

6. What did Adam say when God confronted him about what he had done?

7. Did the man take responsibility for his actions?

8. What sentence did the serpent receive for doing what he did?

9. Were the man and woman allowed to stay in the garden?

10. On what side of the garden was the man expelled?

11. What is a cherubim?

12. What instrument did God place there along with the cherubim to prevent man from eating of the tree of life?

Ponder – Cain and Abel

1. Name the 1sttwo children born to Adam and Eve.

2. What offering did Cain and Abel present to God?

3. Which brother killed the other? Why? What did he answer when God asked him why he had killed his brother?

4. What did God do to Cain so that no one would kill him?

5. What land did Cain dwell in when after this? 

6. What was the name of Cain's 1stson and what was this son's descendants known for?

7. What was the name of Eve's 3rdson? 

8. How old was Adam when this son was born?

9. Was this the last child that was born to Eve? 

10. How was the earth populated?

11. How old was Adam when he died? Does the Bible mention how old Eve was when she died?


Ponder Noah and the Ark

1. What was the name of Noah's father?

2. How old was Noah when he had son's? What were the names of these sons?

3. Why did God say that he would destroy man, beast and creeping things and the fowls of the air?

4. What was Noah commanded to build in advance of the flood?

5. How many of each sort of living thing was Noah told to bring into the ark?

6. How old was Noah when the flood waters came? His sons?

7. How many people went into the ark?

8. Who shut the door?

9. How many days did it rain upon the earth? How many days did the water prevail upon the earth after the flood?

10. Where did the ark rest after the flood?

11. What birds did Noah send out to see if the waters had abated?

12. What was Noah's first act when exiting the ark and what was God's sign that as long as the earth remained He would not flood the earth? (Genesis 8:20 and Genesis 9:12,13)


Ponder the Tower of Babel

1. How many languages did the earth speak initially?

2. They journeyed from the east…of where?

3. Describe the plain of Shinar.

4. Did the land of Shinar yield brick and morter? 

5. What did they use instead to build the tower?

6. What specific command did they disobey in building the tower?

7. What did they specifically want to do in building the tower?

8. Can you name any of the people who started building the tower?

9. What was God’s assessment of them building the tower?

10. What 2 things did God do to prevent them from building the tower?

11.  Is the term “tower of babel” specifically mentioned in the Bible?

12. What are some theories on the origin of language?


Ponder God’s Promise To Abram

1. What was the name of Abram’s father?

2. Which son of Noah was Abram a descendant?

3. Name the place where Abram was born.

4. Did God tell Abram where he was to go upon leaving the place where he currently resided?

5. Was Abram obedient?

6. How old was Abram when he left Haran?

7. Who went with Abram when he departed?

8. What land did God promise Abram?

9. What is an altar? 

10. Was Abram the 1stperson to build an altar?

11. Why did Abram go to Egypt?

12. Was Sarai Abram’s sister? Explain.


Ponder Abram and Lot

1. What relationship were Abram and Lot?

2. Was Abram a rich man or a poor man?

3. Was Lot a rich man or a poor man?

4. Did Abram’s and Lot’s herdmen get along?

5. What was Abram’s solution to there not being sufficient land for both of their herds?

6. Toward what land did Lot pitch his tent?

7. What land did Abram reside in after he and Lot separated?

8. What did God promise to Abram and his descendants?

9. What happened to Lot after he moved toward Sodom?

10. What was the character of the men of Sodom?

11. During the war with several kings, was Lot and his possessions taken? 

12. How many men did Abram take with him to bring back Lot and his goods?


Ponder God’s Promise to Abram

1. Where was Abram living when God called him to leave that place?

2. What did God promise Abram that He would do for him?

3. What specifically did God promise about blessing and cursing?

4. Was Abram obedient to do what God told him to do?

5. Did Abram take anyone with him when he left? If so whom?

6. How old was Abram when he left Haram?

7. What land did God promise to give Abram?

8. What did Abram build after the Lord spoke to him?

9. Why did Abram go to Egypt?

10. What did Abram tell Sarai to say to the Egyptian about his relationship to her ?

11. What did God do to the Egyptians when the Pharaoh took Sarai into his house?

12. Describe Canaan.


Ponder The Three Angels

1. How many men appeared to Abraham? 

2. How did Abraham display honor to the visitors?  

3. Was Sarah present to hear the news about a son to be born?  

4. What was Sarah's reaction to the news that she would have a son?  

5. Why did Sarah laugh? She thought that she was too old to have a son.  

6. Did Sarah admit that she laughed?  If not, why not?  

7. What statement/question did the angels ask regarding God's ability to give her a child at her age?  

8. Did Sarah have a child as she was promised?  


Ponder Sodom’s Fate

1. As the men were leaving Abraham, did they share with him what was about to happen to Sodom and Gomorrah?  

2. What reason did they give Abraham for going to Sodom and Gomorrah?  

3. Did Abraham bargain/negotiate with God?  

4. How did Abraham begin his reasoning with God? Will  

5. What number of righteous people did Abraham begin with in asking the Lord to spare the righteous and what number did he end with?  

7. Where was Lot sitting when the men got to Sodom?  

8. Did Lot extend them hospitality?  

9. Did the angels initially accept Lot's offer?  

10. Who visited Lot's house after he took the angels in?  

11. Explain verse 5 when the men of Sodom said they wanted to "know" the men that Lot had brought into his house.  

12. Who did Lot offer to the men instead of the angels?  Did the men of Sodom accept Lot's offer?  Who was actually judging them?  

13. Did Lot’s son’s-in-law which had married his daughters listen to Lot when he told them the city would be destroyed?  

14. Was Lot and his family fully willing to go with the angels? No 

15. What command were they given?  

16. What city did Lot convince the angels that he wanted to escape to rather than escape to the mountains?  

17. Why did the angels agree to let Lot go to Zoar?  

18. What happened to Lot's wife when she looked back?  

19. Did Lot leave Zoar and go to the mountains where he had been commanded to go to in the first place? Yes Why?  

20. How did Lot's daughter's act towards their father after leaving Zoar?


Ponder Sarai

. When Sarai did not bear any children, what did she do?  

2. Does the Bible record that Abram consulted the Lord before he went in unto Hagar?

3. What was Sarai's reaction to Hagar becoming pregnant?

4. What was Hagar's reaction to Sarai's treatment of her?  

5. What did the angel of the Lord instruct Hagar to do?  Why do you believe that Hagar was instructed to submit to Sarah?

6. What name did the angel give for Hagar's child? Why was this name given?  

7. How old was Abram when Ishmael was born? 

8. How old was Abram when his name was changed to Abraham?  

9. What was the covenant and what was the token of the covenant that Abraham was to perform among every man child?   

10. What is the scripture showing Sarai's name changed to Sarah?  

11. What is the name of the king that took Sarah?  

12. Is this the 1st time that Abraham only referred to Sarah as his sister and not also as his wife?  

13. How did God warn Abimelech that Sarah was Abraham's wife?  

14. Was Abraham a prophet?  

15. How did Abraham explain his deception to Abimelech?  

16 How old was Abraham when Isaac was born to him?  How old was Sarah?

17. How old was Isaac when he was circumcised?  

18. Why did Sarah ask Abraham to cast out Hagar and Ishmael? What is the scriptural significance of Abraham casting out Hagar (and her son)?  

19. How did God console Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness of Beersheba?  

20. Did Hagar and Ishmael return to Abraham and Sarah? No.  


Ponder Abraham and Isaac

  1. How did God temp/test Abraham/Isaac? Explain the tempting/testing including a) Abraham’s response to God’s request, b) the number of men that went with Abraham and Isaac on the way to the sacrifice, c) what number day they saw the place to offer the sacrifice, d) who or what was actually sacrificed, and e) what did Abraham say (Genesis 22:5) that indicated his trust in God for what he was about to do? [All answers can be found in Genesis 22]

  2. Why did God refer to Isaac as Abraham’s ONLY son in Genesis 22:2 and Genesis 22:12?  

  3. Genesis 22:13 says that a “ram” was caught in a thicket by his horns.  Explain the difference between a ram, an ewe and a lamb.  

  4. How old was Sarah when she died? Note: She is the only woman in the Bible whose age is recorded at death. Also note that in the Bible, we are never told to look to Mary but we are to look to Sarah. Isaiah 51:1,2 and 1 Peter 3:3-6. 

  5. Did Abraham pay for the field/place/cave where Sarah was buried? Whydid Abraham purchase the Cave of Machpela and why should we care?”

  6. What was the name of the servant that Abraham sent to get a bride for his son Isaac? 

  7. What do you believe is meant by Abraham’s request that the servant put his hand under Abraham’s thigh? See this same action being requested by Jacob of his son Joseph in Genesis 47:29.

  8. What was the name of the woman the Lord led the servant to who was to become Isaac’s wife? How long did the servant stay with Rebekah’s family before he took Rebekah back with him?

  9. What was Rebekah’s relationship to Abraham? She was his grand niece and Nahor, Abraham’s brothers grandchild.  

  10. Did Abraham marry again after Sarah died?  If so, what was her name? How many children did Abraham have by Keturah?

  11. How did Abraham distinguish God’s covenant promise of the land of Canaan from the other sons he had by Keturah?  

  12. How old was Abraham when he died?  Who buried him?  Was he buried in the same field as his wife Sarah?  

  13. How many sons did Abraham’s son Ishmael have?  

  14. How old was Ismael when he died?  


Ponder Isaac Jacob and Esau

  1. How old was Isaac when he took Rebekah as his wife? 

  2. Rebekah was barren and Isaac sought the Lord to open her womb. How old was Isaac when Rebekah gave birth to their twins Jacob and Esau?

  3. Explain birthright in your own words and why Esau sold his birthright to Jacob. 

  4. Did Isaac repeat the same story about Rebekah being his sister and not his wife as his father Abraham had done? What was Isaac’s actual relationship to Rebekah besides Rebekah being his wife?

  5. How did Rebekah and Jacob plot against Isaac to bless Jacob instead of Esau? 

  6. What was Esau’s reaction to the blessing being given to Jacob?

  7. Did Rebekah know that Jacob was to be the one whom God said would be the stronger and that Esau would serve him?

  8. What plan did Rebekah put in place in order for Jacob not to be killed by Esau? What excuse did she give to Isaac regarding this plan?

  9. What did Jacob dream on his way to Rebekah’s family?

  10. How did Jacob meet Rachael?

  11. How did Laban trick Jacob into marrying Leah first?

  12. Name the children which were born to (a) Leah, (b) Bilhah (Rachael’s Handmaid), (c) Zilpah (Leah’s handmaid) and (d) Rachael.

  13. Altogether, how many years was Jacob with Laban before he left with his wives and children and other goods?

  14. Explain the event that caused Jacob’s name to be changed from Jacob to Israel.

  15. How did Jacob arrange his family to meet Esau for the first time after all the years he had been away?

  16. How old was Isaac when he died? Who buried him?


Ponder Joseph

  1. Why was Joseph hated by his brothers?

  2. What was the 1stdream that Joseph dreamed? What was the interpretation of the dream? What was Joseph’s brother’s reaction to this dream and its interpretation?

  3. What was the 2nddream that Joseph had? What was the interpretation of the dream? How did Joseph’s brothers react to the dream and its interpretation? Was Rachael, Joseph’s mother, alive at this point?

  4. After Joseph told his dreams, what is the name of the place that his brothers went to feed their flock? What significance can we find in them going to this place?

  5. When Joseph’s brothers conspired to kill him by throwing him in a pit and claiming that a wild beast devoured him, which brother delivered Joseph from the brother’s plans to kill him?

  6. After Joseph was stripped of his coat of many colors and thrown into a pit with no water, which brother convinced the other brothers that Joseph should be sold to the Ishmaelites? What group of people was Joseph sold to? What was the price that the brothers got for selling Joseph to them?

  7. How did the brothers deceive Jacob regarding Joseph’s where-a-bouts? 

  8. Explain Judah’s shame based on the events in Genesis 38.

  9. Genesis Chapter 39 – In your own words explain what happened to Joseph while he was in Potiphar’s house. Was the Lord with Joseph’s when he was cast into prison?

  10. Genesis Chapter 40 – In your own words explain the dreams of the butler and the baker and what happened to each of them.

  11. Genesis Chapter 41 – Explain Pharaoh’s dream in your own words and how Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream. How did Pharaoh respond to Joseph?


Ponder Joseph in Egypt

Genesis 42

1. How many of Joseph's brothers went to Egypt to buy grain? Which brother did not go with them? Why not?

2. Did Joseph's brothers recognize him and did Joseph recognize his brothers?

3. What did Joseph accuse his brothers of and what did he accuse them of for being in the land of Egypt?

4. Which brother was bound and remained in Egypt when the other brothers returned to Jacob in Canaan with the grain?

5. What condition had to be met before they could buy any more grain?

Genesis 43

6. What is a famine?

7. What did Jacob send to Egypt the 2nd time they went to buy grain in Egypt?

8. How did Joseph react when he saw his brother Benjamin after all those years of separation?

9. Did Joseph eat the meal with his brothers? Why or why not?

Genesis 44

10. In whose sack was Joseph's silver cup found?

11. Which brother pleaded with Joseph to take Benjamin's place after the silver cup was found in Benjamin's sack?

Genesis 45

12. When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, did he blame them for selling him? What reason did Joseph give his brothers for being sent to Egypt?

13. How did Pharaoh assist Joseph in getting his family into Egypt?

Genesis 46

14. What did God say to Jacob in a vision before he went to Egypt?

15. According to Genesis 46:27 How many souls came with Jacob into Egypt?

Genesis 47

16. What occupation did Joseph's brothers say they were to Pharaoh?

17. What portion of land were Jacob and his family assigned to live in in Egypt?

18. How old was Jacob when he requested that Joseph carry him out of Egypt when he died? What action did Joseph do to his father to affirm him honoring Jacob's request?

Genesis 48

19. Which of Joseph's son's received the greater blessing?

Genesis 49

20. List the 12 tribes of Israel referenced in Genesis 49:28.

Genesis 50

21. Who embalmed Jacob after his death?

22. Where was Jacob buried?

23. What command did Joseph make of his brothers regarding his bones?

24. How old was Joseph when he died? Was he embalmed?


See next tab for questions continuing with the book of Exodus

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