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AISS Questions Exodus​

AISS Questions Beginning 11-16-20

The Golden Children's Bible Pages 96-100

Holy Bible Exodus Chapters 1 and 2


1. Explain one thing that affected you the most or made an impression on you from our studies in the book of Genesis anywhere from chapter 1-50. It can be something you did not know before or something that you got a better understanding of or something that the Holy Spirit revealed to you. Please do NOT skip this question before continuing.

2. What happened to the children of Israel after Joseph died?

3. Explain the new pharaoh's attitude toward the children of Israel.

4. What did the Hebrew midwives do when the king of Egypt told them to kill the Hebrew boys? What did Pharaoh command his people to do when the Hebrew midwives did not kill the male babies at birth?

5. What are the names of Moses' father and mother according to Exodus 6:20?

6. How long was Moses' mother able to hid him before she made an ark of bulrush and put it in the flags by the river bank?

7. Who watched Moses in the basket from the river's edge? What was the name of this person according to Exodus 15:20? (Note that the actual name of the person who watched Moses is first given in this verse.)

8. How did God use the Pharaoh's daughter to save Moses' life?

9. Describe the events that caused Moses to kill an Egyptian.

10. Why did Moses flee Egypt?


AISS Questions Beginning 12/7/20

Golden Children Bible Pages 100 - 105

Holy Bible - Exodus Chapters 3 and 4


1. What land did Moses dwell in after fleeing the Pharaoh in Egypt?

2. Who did Moses encounter as he sat down by the well?

3. What was the name of the priest of Midian according to Exodus 2:18, Judges 4:11 and Exodus 3:1?

4. Who were the Midianites? Ponder Genesis 25:1,2, Genesis 37:28 and Genesis 37:36.

5. What was the name of Moses' wife? What was the name of Moses' first son born to Zipporah?

6. What did Moses see as he cared for Jethro's sheep on the backside of the desert?

7. Explain in your own words the encounter Moses had with God in Exodus 3:4-3:22?

Exodus Chapter 4

8. Explain Moses' hesitation to do what God commanded.

9. What signs did God show Moses?

10. What did God say to Moses when he doubted his own ability to speak?

11. How did Moses honor his father-in-law before he returned to Egypt?

12 We learned in Exodus 2:22 that Moses had one son named Gershom. Exodus 4:20 says that Moses took his wife and sons (plural) to Egypt. What was the name of Moses' 2nd son according to Exodus 18:3,4?

13. On Moses' return to Egypt beginning at Exodus 4:21-23, what did the Lord tell Moses to do before Pharaoh and what did the Lord say about the first born son?

14. What did Moses do to convince the elders of Israel that God was with him and Aaron?


AISS Questions Beginning 1/11/21

Golden Children Bible Pages 106 - 117

Holy Bible - Exodus Chapters 5 through 11


Exodus Chapter 5

  1. What reason did Moses give Pharaoh as to why he should let the Israelites go?

  2. Did Pharaoh acknowledge that he knew this God/Lord that had sent Moses to him?

  3. How many days did Moses request for the people to journey into the wilderness to make a sacrifice unto God?

  4. What did Pharaoh demand of the people regarding the bricks?

  5. True or False – When the officers of the children of Israel went before the Pharaoh, he told the officers that they would not be given any straw, but they would not have to deliver the same tale [archaic meaning a number or total] of bricks. 


Exodus Chapter 6

  1. What do you believe is meant by “uncircumcised lips” in Exodus 6:12 and Exodus 6:30?

  2. What assurance did God give Moses concerning the deliverance of the Israelites?

  3. In Exodus 6:3 God said that He appeared unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by the name of God Almighty. What name did God give that He was not known by?

  4. Who are Amram and Jochebed according to Exodus 6:20?

Exodus Chapters 7- 11

  1. According to Exodus 7:7 how old were Moses and Aaron when they appeared before Pharaoh?

  2. According to Exodus 7:9 and following, what sign did Moses perform when Pharaoh asked for a miracle?

  3. What was the first plague?

  4. What was the second plague?

  5. What was the third plague?

  6. What was the fourth plague?

  7. What was the fifth plague?

  8. What was the sixth plague?

  9. What was the seventh plague?

  10. What was the eighth plague?

  11. What was the ninth plague?

  12. What was the tenth plague ______________________________________________________________

AISS Questions Beginning 3/29/21
Exodus Chapter 12 – The Golden Children’s Bible pages 118-119
1. What animal was to be taken as a sacrifice?
2. True or False – The animal was to be 3 years old.
3. True or False – The animal was to be killed early in the morning.
4. True or False – The animal was to be roasted.
5. True or False – Any of the animal that remained until the morning could be eaten the next day.
6. True or False – The Israelites were to eat the animal clothed and with their shoes on.
7. Explain the meaning of Passover according to Exodus 12:12. List again each of the plagues that God used to execute judgment against the Egyptians.
8. What is unleavened bread? How does the New Testament relate unleavened bread to the Passover according to 1 Corinthians 5:7,8?
9. If possible, put the following link in your browser which will take you to the following You Tube video “Christ in the Passover”. It is about a Jewish Christian explaining how a Jewish family celebrates Passover and its Christian meaning. We will discuss this on our conference call: (It is just under 40 minutes long) 
10. What was the purpose of putting the blood on the top and sides of the door-frame?
11. After the blood from the lamb was applied to the top and sides of the door-frame, were the Israelites allowed to go out of their homes?
12. At what hour was the firstborn in Egypt struck down?
13. True or False – There was one house in Egypt that did not have a death of the firstborn.
14. Pharaoh finally consented to let the Israelites leave. According to Exodus 12:33, why were the Egyptians anxious for the Israelites to leave?
15. Did the Israelites leave empty handed? If not, what items were given to them by the Egyptians?
16. How many of Jacobs family went into Egypt? (This was from a previous session) How many came out of Egypt according to Exodus 12:37?
17. How long had the Israelites lived in Egypt according to Exodus 12:40?
18. The Passover was to be remembered: Was a stranger allowed to eat the Passover meal?
19. If a stranger is bought but is not circumcised, was he allowed to eat the Passover meal?
20. Was the lamb’s leg to be broken?
21. Were the Israelites obedient to the instructions that God gave Moses?
22. Was God faithful to the promise that he made to Abraham Genesis 15:13,14?



AISS Questions Beginning 4/19/21

Exodus Chapters 13-16 – The Golden Children’s Bible pages 120-127


Exodus Chapter 13

  1. What month did God bring the Israelites out of Egypt?

  2. Using the King James Version, complete the following from Exodus 13:5 … And it shall be when the Lord shall bring thee into the land of the _______, and the _______ and the _______ and the ____________ and the _________, which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee, a land flowing with _______ and _______, that thou shalt keep this service in this month.

  3. Exodus 13:9 says…shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand and for a memorial between thing eyes. Look up the word phylactery. What does this mean to you?

  4. True or false – The 2ndborn that opens the womb belongs to the Lord.

  5. Why didn’t the Lord lead the Israelites through the land of the Philistines even though it was nearer?

  6. Moses took the bones of Joseph with him. What scripture(s) show where Joseph commanded that his bones be taken out of Egypt?

  7. The Lord led the Israelites in a pillar by day and night. What was the pillar by day and what was the pillar by night? Did the pillar remain with the Israelites day and night or did it come and go at different times?

Exodus Chapter 14

8. Did God harden Pharaoh’s heart after the 10thplague even after he let the Israelites go? What was Pharaoh’s reaction to letting the Israelites go?

9. What did the Israelites say and do when they saw that the Egyptians were marching after them?10. What did Moses say to the people when they confronted him about the Egyptians pursuing them?

11. True or false – Moses told the Israelites to fight the Egyptians when they got close enough to them.

12. What did God tell Moses to do with the rod in his hand? Did Moses fight the Egyptians with the rod?

13. True or False – A strong wind from the west caused the sea to go back and allow the Israelites to cross on dry land.

14. According to Exodus 14:19 who/what stood between the Israelites and Egyptians?

15. Did Pharaoh himself drown with his army in the sea when the waters came back upon them?

Exodus Chapter 15

16. True or False – Exodus chapter 15 contains the song that Moses and the children of Israel sang unto the Lord after crossing the red sea.

17. Was Moses’ sister Miriam a prophetess? What is a prophetess?

18. What musical instrument did Miriam use to lead the women in dance?

19. What was wrong with the waters of Marah? What does the word Marah mean?

20. What did Moses do to make the water sweet for the Israelites to drink?

21. According to Exodus15:26 what were the Israelites commanded to do? What declaration did the Lord make about Himself to the Israelites?

22. According to Exodus 15:27, how were the Israelites blessed after leaving Marah?

Exodus Chapter 16

23. What was Israel’s complaint and mummering to Moses and Aaron about in the wilderness of Sin?

24. How did God answer their mummering and what specific instructions were they to follow? Did everyone follow these instructions? Explain.

25. What is the name(s) of food that God gave Israel?

26. How long did the Israelites eat this food before they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan?


AISS Questions Beginning 5/31/21
Exodus Chapters 17 & 18 and Golden Children’s Bible pages 128-133
Exodus Chapter 17
1. When Israel pitched their tent in Rephidim, what did they say to Moses when there was no water to drink ? How did Moses respond? 
2. Amalek came to fight Israel in Rephidim. Who was Amalek according Genesis 36:12?
3. Who did Moses choose to lead the fight against Amalek?
4. What role did Aaron and Hur play in the war against Amalek? Who was Hur?
5.  Who won the battle?
6.  God told Moses to write in a book what happened in this battle. Moses built an altar. What did he call the name of this altar?
7.  What does the name Jehovahnissi mean?
Exodus Chapter 18
8. Moses’ Family – True or False
a. Moses’ wife was named Miriam.
b. Moses’ father-in-law was named Reuel. (Note – This may be a trick question)
c. Moses’ sons were named Gershom and Esau.
9. How did Jethro respond to Moses’ telling of his encounter with Pharaoh and of the things that happened after they left Egypt?
10. Initially, how long did Moses sit to judge the people?
11. Did Jethro approve of this practice?
12. What counsel did Jethro give Moses so that he would not wear himself out judging the people?
13. How did Moses respond to Jethro’s counsel?
14. Did God command Moses to do what Jethro said?



AISS Questions Beginning 7/12/21

Exodus Chapters 19-40 of The Golden Children’s Bible pages 134-151

Note: These questions do not contain all the chapters. Other questions will follow as these are completed.


Exodus Chapter 19

1.    After the Israelites left Rephidim, God spoke to Moses out of the mountain stating that Israel would be a peculiar (King James wording) treasure unto him above all people. Read 1 Peter 2:9 KJV. What do you believe that the word ‘peculiar’ means in reference to these two scriptures?

2.    God said that the Israelites would be a kingdom of priests in Exodus 19:6. 

a.    What is the name of the priest referred to in Genesis 14:18? 

b.    Who was the priest referred to in Exodus 2:16? 

c.    Did other nations have priests or only the Israelites? (See Genesis 47:26)

d.    Who is our Great High Priest according to Hebrews 4:14?

e.    Who are the priests that are referred to in Revelation 5:10?

3.    Were the people allowed to go up mount Sinai when God spoke to Moses? Why or why not? 

Exodus Chapter 20

4.    Briefly state the 10 commandments as given in Exodus 20.











    4a. What is the first commandment with promise? Hint: See Ephesians 6:1-3

    4b. What did Jesus say was the great commandment according to Matthew 22:36-40?

5.    Why didn’t the Israelites want God to speak to them but only speak to them through Moses and what reason did Moses say God was not speaking to them directly according to Exodus 20:19,20?

6.    Compare Exodus 20:26 to Exodus 28:42. How would you apply this sense of modesty to today’s way of dressing for church?

Exodus Chapter 21

7.    Read the following thoughts/points/views/etc. and list what verses you believe they refer to.

a.    If you buy a person, they shall serve you 6 years and then go free.

b.    If the servant who was bought has a wife and children and he does not want to go free because he loves them and does not want to leave them, he will have his ear pierced through with an awl at the doorpost.

c.    If a man sells his daughter, she cannot go out like a man.

d.    If you kill a person, you will be killed too.

e.    If you strike your mother or father, you will be put to death.

f.    If you curse your mother or father, you will be put to death.

g.    You will pay for your crime, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, etc.

h.    If you put out a person’s eye, the servant can go free.

i.    If an ox gores a person, it shall be put to death and in some cases the owner also.

Exodus Chapter 22

8.    Read the following thoughts/points/views/etc. and list what verses you believe they refer to.

a.    You are responsible for what you borrow from your neighbor.

b.    If a man has sex outside of wedlock, then he must marry the woman.

c.    You must kill a witch.

d.    You should not have sex with an animal.

e.    You should not lend money at unusually high rates of interest.

f.    The first of your goods belongs to God.

Exodus Chapter 23

9.    Read the following thoughts/points/views/etc. and list what verses you believe they refer to.

a.    Don’t follow a crowd to do evil.

b.    Don’t receive a gift to give a testimony.

c.    You can work 6 days but rest on the 7th day.

d.    Do not seethe (bubble up as a result of being boiled) a kid in its mother’s milk. 

10.    According to Exodus 23:23, name the people who were inhabiting the land that God was bringing them into.

a.    A_______

b.    H_______

c.    P_______

d.    C_______

e.    H_______

f.    J________    


AISS Questions Beginning 10/11/21

Exodus Chapters 24-30

Golden Children’s Bible – Pages 138-143

Exodus Chapter 24

  1. Who are Nadab and Abihu as referred to in Exodus 24:1?

  2. Did Moses write down all the words of the Lord? YesNo

  3. Did Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and the 70 elders of Israel see God and eat and drink with Him?

  4. Exodus 24:13,14

a. Who is listed as Moses’ minister?

            b. True or False – Did Hur assist Aaron when Moses went up into the mount?

5. Altogether, how long was Moses in the mount?

6. Define “glory”.

Exodus Chapter 25

7. The ark of the covenant – Write the appropriate scripture which gives the following details of the ark:

            a. Made of shittim wood__________________

            b. Length 2 ½ cubits, width 1 ½ cubits, height 1 ½ cubits_____________________

            c. Overlaid with gold inside and outside ____________________

            d. Four rings of gold in the four corners, i.e., two on each side________________

            e. Two staves (staffs) to put into the rings to carry the ark which should not be removed________________________

            f. Two cherubims of gold to go on the two ends of the mercy seat__________ What is a cherubim?

Other items to be made were:

            g. Table________________________

            h. Dishes, spoons, bowls____________________________

            i. Candlestick____________________________

            j. Tongs and snuff dishes _________________________

Exodus Chapter 26

8. Exodus Chapter 26 deals with the building of the ___________________

Exodus Chapter 27

9. True or False -  Exodus 27:8 reiterates that Moses himself thought of how the tabernacle and other items were to be constructed.

Exodus Chapter 28

10. Name Aaron’s sons per Exodus 28:1.

11. According to Exodus 28:4, name the garments that were to be made for Aaron:

12. Choose the correct response – According to Exodus 28:42, Aaron and his sons were to wear linen breeches to cover their nakedness from the lings even unto the…

            a. knees

            b. ankles

            c. thighs

Exodus Chapter 29

13. Name the 3 different animals that are listed in the sacrifice and the scripture where that particular animal is found.

Exodus Chapter 30

14. Name the different spices that were to be used as an anointing oil or a perfume according to Exodus 30:23, 24 and Exodus 30:34



AISS Questions Beginning 1/3/22
Exodus Chapters 31-40
The Golden Children’s Bible pages 144 through 151
Exodus Chapter 31
1. Read Exodus 31:1-6. What are the names of the 2 men that God called to do the work that God had given to Moses to be done?
2, Were these 2 men the only ones that did the work or were there others? Which particular scripture between Exodus 31:1-11 supports your answer?
3. A. Define Sabbath. B. How long were the children of Israel to observe and keep the Sabbath according to Exodus 31:16?
Exodus Chapter 32
4. What is the reason the people wanted  Aaron to make them gods?
5. Compare Exodus 32:2-4, Exodus 32:8 and Exodus 32:24. Explain how the molten calf was made.
6. How did Moses know what was happening regarding Aaron and the people even before he went down from the mountain with the tablets of stone?
7. What adjective did God use to describe the Israelites in Exodus 32:9? What exactly does that adjective/word mean?
8. True or False – Aaron built an altar before the molten calf and told the people that the next day would be a feast to the Lord.
9. True or False - God told Joshua that His wrath was hot against the people and that he would consume them and make of Moses a great nation.
10. How did Moses reason with the Lord that He should not consume the people for the evil they did?
11. Exodus 32:14 says that God repented of the evil that he thought to do to the people. Explain how God can repent.
12. Who responded when Moses asked who is on the Lord’s side? How many people were killed by the sword ?
13. True or False – The Lord plagued the people for the sin in making the golden calf.
Exodus 33
14. According to Exodus 33:2, name the peoples that the Lord said he would drive out of the land.
15. Beginning at Exodus 33:9 and following, name at least 2 things that Moses and God talked about.
Exodus Chapter 34
16. True or False – God wrote the commandments on the first tablets of stone but Moses wrote them on the 2nd set of tablets.
17. True or False - God reprimanded Moses for breaking the tablets containing the initial commandments.
18. What name and characteristics did God proclaim of himself in Exodus 34:5-7
19. True or False – God commanded them to destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down the groves of the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.
20. What is God’s name as listed in Exodus 34:14?
21. Name some ot the reasons that God did not want Israel to make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land.
22. Exodus 34:18-26 lists many things that God instructed Moses. Ponder and give a general reason for all of the below as to why you think God would give such specific commands re:unleavened bread, every firstling of the cattle, working 6 days and resting on the 7th, the feast of weeks
of the firstfruits,of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year's end, the young men children appearing before the Lord 3 times a year, not offering blood of the sacrifice with leaven and not seething a kid in his mother’s milk.
23. Exodus 34:27 says that the LORD said to Moses, “Write down all these instructions, for they represent the terms of the covenant I am making with you and with Israel.” Were these written by Moses on the tablets that contained the 10 commandments?
24. True or False - According to Exodus 34:28, Moses was on Mt. Sinai 40 days and 40 nights and while there he did not eat any bread and he did not drink any water.
25. Moses’ face shined brightly when he came down off the mountain. What did he do so that he could speak to Aaron and the people?
Exodus Chapter 35
26. There was a lot of work to be done by the people doing what God had commanded Moses to do. Exodus 35:21 seemingly sums up the attitude of each of the workers; they had a stirred up heart and a w_______________ s__________________.
Exodus Chapter 36
27. Which verse(s) in Exodus 36 show that the people gave so freely that Moses had to restrain them from giving to the work God had commanded him to do?

Exodus Chapter 37
28. Name the precious metal in this chapter that overlaid many of the items, including the ark (Exodus 37:2); the rings on the corner of the ark (Exodus 37:3); the staves (Exodus 37:4); the mercy seat (Exodus 37:6); the cherubims (Exodus 37:7); the table (Exodus 37:10, 11); the vessels which were on the table (Exodus 37:16); the candlestick (Exodus 37:17); the lamps and its snuffers (Exodus 37:23); and the incense altar (Exodus 37:25,26).
Exodus Chapter 38
29. According to Exodus 38:25, what other metal was used to make the articles God commanded Moses?
Exodus Chapter 39
30. According to Exodus 39:1 what colors were the cloths used in the holy service unto the Lord and used to make the clothing for Aaron?
Exodus Chapter 40
31. Exodus Chapter 40:33-38 record that all the work that God had commanded Moses to do in setting up the tabernacle was completed. Also that the cloud covered the tent of the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. How did Israel know when to move from one place to another in relation to this cloud?


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