YISS-Youth Interdenominational Son-day School
Spiritual Alphabet
There are many Biblical words that you can use to teach the alphabet. The following is an example. Find some words that you would like to use.
A – Adam - (God’s first man)
B – Bee - ( God made all animals, insects etc. including the bee.
C - Cain – (Adam’s first born son)
D – Devil – (Tempted man/woman in the garden)
E – Eden – (Garden where man was first placed)
F – Father – (A male man who unites with a woman to produce a child. Adam was the father of Cain and Abel.)
G – God – (The omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent One who created everyone and everything)
H – Holy – (A sacred place or thing, set apart to the worship of God)
I – Israel – (God’s chosen people)
J – Jacob – (Man chosen by God to bear sons who became the 12 tribes of Israel)
K – King – (A royal person. Jesus is King of kings.)
L – Lord – (Self existent eternal One)
M – Man – (A human being; a person. Man was made by God.)
N – Name – (A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others. Adam named all the animals of God’s creation.)
O – One – (The expression of God as One but together in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – One God).
P – People – The body of persons making up the whole as people of a tribe, community, race, etc. Israel was/is God’s chosen people.)
Q – Queen - (The wife of a King or woman in power like Queen Esther)
R – Righteous – (Doing that which is right or just)
S – Son – (A male child of a parent, father or mother. Abel was the son of Adam and Eve)
T – Tabernacle – (The Jewish temple; also a place of worship)
U – Unclean – (Not clean, foul, dirty, filthy)
V – Vessel – (A hollow or concave utensil for holding anything. Our bodies are to be vessels used by God.)
W – Work – (Toil, employment, labor)
X – Xerxes – (King who appears throughout the book of Esther in the NIV and NASB)
Y – You – (Used to refer to the person being addressed. Do you believe in Jesus?)
Z – Zion – (A mountain in Jerusalem)