Thank You
JB and I thank you from the depths of our soul for your faithfulness to AISS. We started at the Logan Center in Hackensack on the first Monday in January 2020 and have met for 1 1/2 hour each Monday evening since. God placed it upon us to have the sessions even if we were on vacation and He made it possible at times for us to alter our plans if necessary so that we would always have a good connection. It was fitting that some of the group wanted to celebrate by getting as many persons as possible in the area to get together on 1/26/25. After all, we have fellow-shipped with many voices on the phone but many of us had never seen the others of us in person. About 30 of us were able to gather at Riverside Square to "fellowship", dine, meet and greet one aother in person. What a joy it was to match the faces with the voices we had only heard on the phone. Many thanks to each of you who came out and a special thank you to one who rearranged his trip to Trinidad and another couple who also rearranged their plans and came from Georgia to be a part of the fellowship. Everyone agreed that one of the highlights was meeting the person who gives us our scripture every Monday night. I personally love to tell how she came on the call and did not not say a word for a year and a half but just listened to the devotion and prayers and teaching and discussion. I will never forget when she finally opened her mouth and gave a life changing testimony of what God had done in her life. She along with others have changed our lives too. We listened to anointed praise music and every on in attendance spoke giving their name and how they came to be associated with AISS since we do not advertise. It was all by word of mouth. Each person attends their own church and shares the revelations that God has given them. The fellowship ended with a powerful anointed prayer by a person whom God uses mightily. There was such a presence of the Holy Spirit that no one moved after the prayer was over. It was as if there was a "Holy Hush" throughout the room. She was then led to pray individually for 3 persons, sharing with them personally what the Lord gave for them. We have already heard the praise reports.
What a joy it is to facilitate this group and learn also. We emphasize that the Holy Spirit is the Teacher and He really is. If there are questions about a point being given we readily turn to the scriptures. If it is still not clear, we ask everyone to ponder/meditate on it and let the Holy Spirit do the teaching. JB and I would love to call each person's name but in respecting each individual's privacy, I am only speaking in general. Many, many thanks to the committee whose idea it was to get everyone together and the sponsors who made it possible for everyone to attend with no cost for them or their guest including the give-a-way bags given to everyone who attended. We are truly grateful and thank you so much for the plaque that you gave to mark this special event. To God be the glory.

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.