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Your Father is Calling

Did I hear your phone ringing? Were you expecting a call? Our lives seem to be controlled by the personal selective ring on those little devices that we just can't seem to do without. Our cell phones have become such an integral part of our lives that we feel as if we've lost a limb if we inadvertently leave home without them. I wonder who calls us the most; family, work, telemarketers? There is One who has been trying to contact us constantly, every second, or every minute, of every hour, of every day. It is from our Heavenly Father. Sadly His calls are seldom answered. We usually just let that call go to voice mail. Even when we check our voice mail, this call is often deleted or if we listen to it, we don't usually call back. I suppose we need these cell phones in our fast paced technological world today but I don't know if we're taking the most important call. Oh! Is that your phone ringing? Your Father is calling. I think you should answer.

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