I Have A Dream
We all remember Dr. Martin L. King Jr.'s famous speech "I Have A Dream". Do you have a dream? Is there something that God has placed in your spirit that keeps nagging away at you? Are you restless in your current position and the dream in your spirit just keeps popping up in your mind? Have you tried to push it away but it keeps coming back? Perhaps God is trying to tell you something. Joseph (Genesis chapter 5) had a dream when he was a young boy and told it to his family. Even though his family did not fully understand the dream, it troubled them and his brothers even hated him. Joseph went through many tests and trials but eventually the dream came true and God used him to save Egypt and his family. Take some time and reflect on the events that have happened in your past. Do you see a pattern? Can you connect the dots? Are you willing to pray, ask God what is His purpose for your life and be willing to follow the dream that He has placed in you? It may or may not be for the saving of a nation but never-the-less, it is important enough that God wont let you rest. Pray now and begin by telling God....I have a dream.