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Immediately Dismissed

We are a society that really wants things "yesterday". Our "PQ" or patience quotient is at an all time low. There are indeed some things that should happen immediately; the disciples immediately leaving their ship and father and following Jesus (Matthew 4:22), leprosy immediately leaving when Jesus touched a leper (Matthew 8:3), eyes immediately being healed when Jesus touched blind eyes (Matthew 20:34). These are examples for us to emulate. When we stand before God on judgement day, I'm not certain that we want things to happen so quickly. Matthew 22 ff tells the parable about a wedding feast likened unto the kingdom of heaven. Many were invited to a feast but there came one who did not have on a wedding garment. When asked why he was there, he was speechless. He was immediately dismissed; bound hand and foot and cast into outer darkness. If I were in that position, I would have wanted a little more time to think and explain why I wasn't properly dressed. I would have wanted a little more time to give a reason for my condition and plead my case. Don't risk being immediately dismissed from God's presence by not accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord today



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