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Are You Insured?

These days people are insured for practically everything. Are you? We purchase life insurance, property insurance, liability insurance, auto insurance, etc. Some have insured their voices, their feet or their hands. The purpose of insurance is to protect the owner of the policy from financial losses in the event that something happens to the property being insured. It is probably a good idea to do so but I wonder if we insure the most valuable part of our being. Matthew 16:26 asks a question that we all should ponder - what profit is it for a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? This insurance cannot be bought with dollars and cents. None of the things that we insure here on this earth with dollars and cents can be taken with us when we die. However, our souls will either be lost or saved eternally. Many say they do not believe in life after death. I used to struggle with that argument until I realized that it doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, there is at least the very distinct possibility that there is life after this one of which I will give an account. If the purpose of insurance is indeed to protect me from loss in the event that something happens to me, I decided that the most important thing I have does need insurance. I decided to insure my soul. I honestly, reverently feared being cast into hell for eternity (Matthew 10:28). I got life after death insurance (Romans 10:9,10). Are you insured?


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