Reflections of Me
I know that we are all unique. Even though we all have the same basic features, head, body, arms, legs, feet, etc., there is still something that makes me uniquely different from every other person who has ever lived on this earth. That said, I wonder why it took me so long to appreciate the uniqueness of which God made me. I wanted to be taller, or shorter, depending on what phase of life I was in. I wanted to be lighter or darker, depending upon which phase of life I was in. I wanted to be bigger or smaller depending upon which phase of life I was in. It seems I was never satisfied and the reason was because I was looking in the wrong mirror. If I want to see what I look like but I look at myself using another person's mirror, I see the reflection of someone other than myself. Side by side or in the background, I never see myself face-to-face and my vision is always distorted. The Bible is the best mirror because when I look at myself through it, I see Jesus in me and the reflections of me are perfect (2 Corinthians 3:18). I am the apple of God's eye (Psalm 17:8). I love the reflections of me seen through His eyes. Whose mirror are you using to determine how you look?