What Did You Say?
We live in a very interesting culture. Even in the same country, speaking the same language, our dialect changes depending on what part of the country we live in. I remember when I moved from the south to the north, I knew that the people I encountered were speaking English but the speed of their conversation was faster than my slow paced ears. I could not understand what was being said. Even in the same areas we can still be misunderstood. Take for example the phrase, "nobody likes you". If you heard that it would probably evoke a negative emotion. But what if the person actually said "there is nobody like you". That would probably evoke a complimentary emotion. What a difference one letter like the "s" on the end of like can make. How well do you hear? We should all watch what we say for it can be interpreted differently by whomever hears it. Is what you said coming from a heart of God or from a heart bent toward evil? Did you know that what comes out of your mouth is directly related to what is in your heart? Matthew 12:34 records Jesus saying that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. I suppose we would not have to watch so closely what we say if we watched more closely what we put in our heart. What did you say?