Can I Trust You?
I once saw an interesting episode of the then TV hit show Benson. He was responsible for watching the governor's daughter who was told that she could not go out for the evening. She went anyway and was caught coming back in. Obviously she was sorry and inquired if Benson still loved her. Benson's reply was "I love you, but I don't trust you".
I know that God loves us but I often wonder if he trusts us. In Luke 16:1-12, we find that this full passage is talking about money. When the passage comes to v. 10 it is still talking about money. Therefore this passage should be interpreted as “money” is the LEAST. The thought is that if money is the least and we cannot trust God with the money that we have, HOW can God trust us with His greater riches? Purpose to trust God in your tithes, your actions, your feelings and emotions, your spiritual gifts, etc. Whatever level you are, you can grow more as God is seeing how you handle what you have before He trusts you with more.