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Excuse Me! I Have a Question.

Since childhood, I have always asked a lot of questions. I'm sure that many children did and do so now. I didn't always get an answer to my questions but just pondering them caused me to think and in due time the answers to many of my questions were revealed. I liked asking questions but I'm not so certain that I cared for others asking me questions. It was fine as long as I knew the answers but I can remember many times, especially in class where I threw up an invisible shield that I was sure would keep the instructor from seeing me and directing his or her question at me.

How can we escape the inevitable questions that come to us as inhabitants of this earth? Ask Job (from the book of Job) and rate yourself on the questions that God asked him. He not only was required to answer questions but was commanded to stand up like a man and answer the questions. Questions like "where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Who made the sea? Who made the clouds? Who made the water come up on the shore and go so far but not any further? Job chapters 38 and 39 present over 100 questions presented by God. Got your BA or BS, Masters or PHD? Did you write your thesis on a worthwhile topic? I wonder how any of us would fare under God's questioning. Excuse me! A little more grace, please.


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