A doppelgänger is someone who looks like someone else. It is quite simply a double. The word comes from the German Doppelgänger, literally meaning "double-goer," and has found widespread use in popular culture.
The Bible does not specifically speak of doppelgängers but there is a great similarity between some persons spoken of in the Old Testament and Jesus. One character is Joseph, son of Jacob. Let's look at some of the similarities between Joseph and Jesus.
1. Both were uniquely loved.
2. Both were maliciously hated.
3. Both were sold for so many pieces of silver.
4. Both were falsely accused for crimes they did not commit.
5. Both had 2 criminals next to them, Joseph in prison and Jesus on the cross.
6. Both saw one of the criminals executed and the other freed.
7. Both were in charge of who got to eat; Joseph during the famine and Jesus for those who would eat of His Bread/His body.
8. Both had people to bow down to them.
9. Both were dead (Joseph seemingly dead to his family until he was revealed to his brothers and Jesus 3 days in the grave) before being found alive.