Extreme Gratification
Did you ever long or crave for something to get satisfaction or enjoyment. Some crave for chocolate. Others for fame. God has placed some desires in us and it is good to recognize them and purpose to use them for His glory. Genesis 1:28 says that God blessed man and woman after he made them and said to be fruitful and multiply. The necessity to do that is to have a desire for, ...well...sex. It was God's idea. He created it for man's enjoyment according to His rules and for God's glory.
However things can go awry very quickly. In II Samuel 13, we read of Amnon's desire for his sister Tamar. His desire for extreme gratification for sex caused him to lay with her against her will. Interestingly, after he satisfied his desire, he hated her and his hatred for her was greater than the love he claimed to have before he lay with her. After he satisfied his extreme desire, he quickly had her expelled from his place.
Tamar correctly labeled this act as evil. This is a work of the flesh which should not be named among us according to Ephesians 5:3. Selah.