The Other Woman
I had him first. I loved him at first sight; when he came into my life. He was so handsome and certainly a part of me and I was just as much a part of him. It was finally my time to shine; a young man of my own, to love. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 speaks of the times and seasons that we go through in life; a time to be born, a time to plant, a time to heal, etc. I was not prepared when the time came to let him the other woman. He said that he loves us both but he had to make a choice. As much as it hurt he chose her - the other woman; but he was correct. A man must leave father and mother and cleave to his wife and they two shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7 and Ephesians 5:31). I humbly and graciously yield to the other woman. She is now his wife.