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Why Didn't You Tell Me?

There are some who say that people will be in hell and blame you for not telling them about Jesus Christ when they were on earth. I cannot find that this is supported by the Word of God. A passage in Esther (Esther 4:14 ff) is about the planned destruction of the Jews. Her uncle Mordecai came to Esther to petition her to go before the king but she was reluctant as the king could kill anyone who came into his presence if he had not called them. This even included his wife.

It is Mordecai's answer that intrigues me. Note, it did not say that the Jews would be destroyed if Esther did not go before the king but that if Esther did not go before the king, "deliverance would come from another source but you (Esther) and your father's house will be destroyed". This is Old Testament but the principle is expressed also in Psalm 19:1-4 and in the New Testament in Romans 1:18-22. No man will be without excuse when he stands before God to give an account of his life on this earth. Look especially at verse 20 declaring that the invisible things are understood, even God's eternal power and Godhead so that man will be without excuse.

Our God is gracious and merciful and just and does not condemn anyone to hell because another person does not witness to him. That would be unjust and we serve a just God who would that ALL men would be saved. We all should witness and we all should be obedient to God's command but if we are not obedient, God will not condemn another to hell. To God be the glory.


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