What Dat Mean?
He was and still is a promising pastor who is dearly loved by his congregation. At one point in his career he completed the necessary requirements for a degree of higher learning in the field of theology. The congregation was pleased to honor him and he was pleased to honor others of those in the congregation who also had obtained degrees or certificates of accomplishments in their respective fields. On this particular occasion, after the formal ceremony and presentations, one elderly lady carefully observed the happenings. She was quite content and pleased to observe. However, as it was his custom to try and speak to all of the members of the congregation, even on occasions where there were many additional persons present. He greeted this particular elderly lady and during the greeting, she could not help but ask him about the degree he had obtained. I overheared her exact phrase - "What dat mean?
My mind immediately went to the wide array of educational levels in the setting - all the way from the least educated to those who hold doctorates; all worshipping together without the least regard to differences in this area.
We all ask this same question as we attempt to read and study the Bible - "What dat mean?" It doesn't matter if the question is about God, salvation, Jesus, prophesy, etc. We all ask - "What dat mean?" I can see our Heavenly Father, being omniscient i.e., all-knowing, yet taking the time to patiently explain what He knows and how that knowledge can be imparted to all.
What dat mean to you? I'm talking about God, salvation, Jesus, prophesy and so many other questions.
Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workmen that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth ( 2 Timothy 2:15) knowing that God loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever; no matter the color, the age, the ethnicity, the educational level, etc., believed in him would not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
What do dat mean to you?