Usually when you hear the word 'recall', your thoughts immediately run to products that have a defective part or food that has been tainted or infected. It is particularly disturbing when you have purchased the item recently and worse yet, if it is a high ticked item and you are still paying the bill. Usually the fix is financed by the seller but there still may be the matter of inconvenience.
Did you know that God commands a 'recall' - everyday no less? What? God who is perfect, omniscient, all powerful, etc., commands a recall - daily?
Yes. Lamentations 3:21-23 commands us to 'recall' something to mind, i.e., His mercies and His compassions. His mercy is extended to us when we sin, when we are disobedient and when we generally do our own thing. We don't get what we deserve because of God's mercies. Compassion! He has pity on us and treats us as a dear one who just didn't know any better. He is faithful to renew His compassions every morning.
Recall! Recall! Recall!