Are We There Yet?
Who gets car sick? Oh no! Another accident. Many parents or "guardians" of children can relate to this all too familiar whine. Who do you blame when your trip is delayed? Have you ever set a goal and the harder you try, the further the goal seems to slip away from you? Many of us have heard the domineering boss bellow "Is that report ready?" Most of us have experienced something of this nature whether on a drive, completing a work project, planning a vacation, etc. I don't particularly like to exercise - not at all - but my spouse has run in two 26 mile marathons. I'm sure that after the first few minutes, I'd be asking - Are we there yet?
Life is a journey and we make many trips with planned and unplanned stops along the way. Our hope is that at the end of the journey we will not have made any wrong turns and end up somewhere totally different than how we programmed our mental or actual GPS. A poplar saying is "God is my co-pilot". It sounds cute but the pilot is still generally in charge of the route. On my journey home, I don't need a co-pilot because my nature is to Frank Sinatre it and do it my way. What I really do want and need is for God to pilot me. Then I'm sure that I will arrive on time, safe and sound.
Are we there yet? ( Hebrews 13:14)