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Black Like Me

Black Like Me, first published in 1961, is a nonfiction book by white journalist John Howard Griffin recounting his journey in the Deep South of the United States, at a time when African-Americans lived under racial segregation.It is interesting how we imitate others. John Howard Griffin was white but for a period of time, he lived as though he was black.

Observe any child for a period of time and you will see the spitting image of what he or she observes mostly during any given day. We, the ones being observed don't often demonstrate all that could or should be imitated. Our actions, good or bad or a product of our environment, culture, and of course our own wills. We want people to like us and adamently imply that the person will be all right. We observe this even in ministry, as pastors, preachers, teachers, etc. tell us that it is OK if we don't even strive for perfection in Christ.

Even if we have not reached the goal of perfection (Matthew 5:48), it seems as if we seldom point others to "The Goal". Rather we want them to be like us and they'll be all right. We are to trust in the Lord with ALL of our heart. Ephesians 6:16 states that if we take the shield of faith we will be able to quench ALL the fiery darts of the devil. Who are you putting your trust in? Black like me? Sin is black and we have all sinned (Romans 3:23). Do you want to be like me? Black like me? I suggest that you set your sights on the goal, light not darkness (John 8:12).


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