I have a deep voice like my father. I have financial tenacity like my mother. I have a quest for knowledge like my brother. I have a thoroughly logical approach to things like one of my sisters and a propensity for humor like my other sister. The above examples could be the characteristics of any of a number of individuals just by changing some or all of the qualities listed. We are all related to each other and to some we are more closely related, so much so that we are sometimes mistaken for a near kin.
I wonder how much we are related to our heavenly Father. Does our voice sound like His when we speak the Word? Do we do things decently and in order (1 Corinthians14:40) and tenaciously give to the up-building of the kingdom of God? Do we quest for knowledge of Him like we do for things that capture our interest in our homes, jobs or other encounters? Can we appreciate God's humor as expressed in Psalm 2:4 where he sits in the heavens and laughs?
We are family, closely and distantly related. Who are you most closely related to? Whose characteristics do you exhibit in your everyday actions? Your Father is calling you. He wants a relationship with you. Oh! Are you related to Him?