Murder! Who did it? The butler? I like to watch murder mysteries. I don't care to watch the actual crime but the process of finding the killer or murderer is intriguing. The popular TV show Forensic Files captured my attention until I had watched all the episodes. I became aware of my interest, not only in the process of solving the crime but equally interested in why the murder was committed in the first place. The consequences of committing the crime were not overly emphasized but often it was listed at the end of the show.
Amnon loved his sister Tamar and was convinced by Jonadab to seduce her to lay with him (incest) 2 Samuel 13. He was later killed by his brothers. King David had Joab put Uriah on the front line and purposely have the fighters withdraw without Uriah's knowledge so that he would be killed. This was done to cover King David's sin of having relations with Uriah's wife Bathsheba and impregnating her (2 Samuel 11). Saul (before becoming the apostle Paul) consented to the stoning and death of Steven (Acts 7:59-8:1).
There is a price that has to be paid for taking a life whether you are the murderer or the accomplice. Are you teaching your children that there is no God? Are you teaching them that there is a God but his name is Allah, or Buddha or Confucius or anything other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Are you an accomplice to murder?