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A Fly, A Flower & A Foal

Someone asked why God would let flies on the ark to preserve them after the flood. Would you have saved them or would you have decided that this was your opportunity to get rid of those pesky little buggers? Did you know that flies are the only pollinators that pollinate the cacao tree? Without flies, there will not be the seed pods which eventually give us chocolate to enjoy.

Flowers are so beautiful and are a delight to those who enjoy the wonders of nature. You would think that something so beautiful would last forever. Yet, they are like the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow is cast into the oven. (Matthew 6:30)

God, has a purpose for each of the things that He has placed on this earth. I smile when I think of the Sunday school student who could not contain himself when the lesson talked about the ass that Jesus rode on in Matthew 21:5. He could not get over the fact that the word "ass" was in the Bible (KJV). When he was finally calmed down, he explained that the only time he had heard that word was when he was being disobedient and his mother said she was going to beat his if he didn't straighten up. His experience was a long way from that of our Savior fulfilling prophecy (Zechariah 9:9) but never-the-less used by God.

A fly, a flower and a foal of an ass; all God's creations; all with purpose. If he can use a fly to give the world chocolate, how much greater is His love for you?


Pratical Christian Living

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