The Queue
A lot of people are not impatient. They just don't like to wait. It's our western world mentality. We want patience but give it to us "right now". It's all right for there to be a line, we just need to be the first one in it.
Many years ago I worked with a beautiful Christian lady. Her boyfriend was terminally ill and died. I will never forget how she perceived his death. She said, "Isn't that something? I led him to Christ and he got to see Jesus before me".
There was a man that hired workers to work in his field. Some went out early in the day, some later and some near the end of the day but each received the same wage (Matthew 20:7-16). The queue was reversed. Coming to the end of this passage, it ends with the statement by Jesus ...the last shall be first and the first last.
I'll not say that we have the patience to wait our turn all the time. We still want our way and we still want to be at the front of the line. It is a blessing to know that we cannot do what we're required to do. No we can't, that is, not of ourselves. But we can wait our turn when we remember that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. He is the Queue. We'll always be in the right spot in the queue as long as we know that we're in Jesus' queue. Selah