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So many people desire to be "fit". I ask, "fit for what?' I am the first to admit that exercising is not my favorite activity. I love the chatty saying of the person who says that whenever the urge to exercise hits him, he just sits down until it passes. Weightlifting certainly has its advantages as seen in the shapely and handsome figures and physiques of those who so engage. I'm still content to be the spectator. I do look for the lessons that I can learn though. Take weightlifters for instance. They start with small weights and gradually build up to the expected goal. There is something to be said about gaining strength a little at a time.

When I observe a pregnant woman, I noted that the woman similarly gains weight a little at a time. Her body is continually adjusting to carry the precious cargo inside of her. The weight that she gains is for a specific goal and when the expected goal is reached, the bulk of the weight leaves.

I used to bounce up when I stooped to get something from the floor. Little by little, the need for assistance in the form of another stationary item for me to lean on became more prevalent. I too had put on weight, a little at a time and it was not due to body building or pregnancy. It was because I was injecting more than I was expelling. I had gained weight, little by little and continued to do so without a goal other than the pleasure that came with eating. I did not recognize it at first but I became comfortable with the weight gained at each stage. The more weight that I gained, the more my body became comfortable with that weight until the revelation came that I was ?? lbs. more than I should be.

I suppose the weights in life are just like that. They could have started out as noble things. There are so many that are not classified, in and of themselves as good or bad. But if they begin to hinder you, a decision has to be made. Hebrews 12:1 helps in ridding ourselves of certain weights. We are specifically told to lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and run with patience the race that is set before us. I now lift weights but the goal is to get stronger in Christ.


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