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I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

I worked in a job that periodically called for me to crawl on the floor and pull wires. I worked in the systems department and moving computers involved disconnecting and reconnecting wires, anywhere from 1 to over 350 machines depending on the project. I admit I was younger then and had no problem popping up from the floor without assistance. Later in my career, I would routinely ask for assistance or at the very least keep a chair near me so that I could prop myself upon it to help me get up. This was a little embarrassing but definitely necessary. I could say that I had in essence fallen into the category of "I've fallen and I can't get up" without assistance.

Fortunately I happened upon an exercise program for people in my age range which focused on strengthening the muscles in the body. Would you believe that at 6 years older and having retired from that career, I need no assistance when bending, stooping or squatting and raising myself from the floor without even using my arms.

My spiritual life was just as "flabby" as my physical muscles were. I had fallen and I could not get up. I read Romans 10:17 which basically says that I needed faith which comes by hearing the word of God. Wow. What a simple solution. I exercised my physical body but now I needed to exercise my spiritual man. I did and I got up from pain, sickness, illness, financial woes, relationship problems and a whole lot more things that were causing me to fall. It's one thing to hear what you need to do but I actually needed to practice what I heard. That was my spiritual exercise. No wonder God says that without faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). He does not want us to fall but even if we do fall, we should know how to get up. I'm much stronger now. I still fall, physically and spiritually but I can get up. I know the secret and I plan never to have to say that I've fallen and can't get up.



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