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"Oh, Just One More Thing..."

This was the catch phrase of Peter Faulk an American actor and comedian, known for his role as Lieutenant Columbo in the long-running television series Columbo (1968–2003). He was a shabby but deceptively absent-minded police detective lieutenant driving a Peugeot 403. Falk would often ad lib his character's idiosyncrasies by fumbling through his pockets for a piece of evidence and discovering a grocery list, asking to borrow a pencil, becoming distracted by something irrelevant in the room at a dramatic point in a conversation with a suspect, etc. In the end you always ended up with more information which ultimately became crucial to finding the culprit.

Sometimes we women are teased because we take so long to tell a story or get to the point without giving all the minute details. I actually interrupted a lady once in the middle of her story because it was so long and I requested that she just get to the point. She gave me a blank stare and was totally unable to shorten it and furthermore started the story all over again.

I thought of an interesting conversation in the Bible regarding a long explanation to a question. In John 14:22 Judas said to Jesus, (KJV) Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? Jesus' answer went from John 14:23 thru John 16:16, a total of about 50 verses to answer Judas' question. Now that's a long answer but in it there is so much that we can be grateful for: If you love me, keep my commandments; I will send the Holy Ghost, the Comforter who will teach you all things, You will have peace but not like the peace the world gives; Rejoice because I'm going away; I am the true vine; Let my words abide in you and ask me what you will and it shall be done; I love you like the Father does; I have such great love for you that I will lay down my life for you; You are not servants, you are my friends; you didn't choose me, I chose you; You are going to be put out of the synagogues; The Spirit of Truth will guide you and so much more.

I am grateful for Judas asking "just one more thing" and for Jesus taking his time to answer.



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