The Prophet's Peril
We took a cruise for the first time and overall it was a very interesting experience. We did not expect it to be on the heels of a hurricane but as these types of ventures must be planned well in advance, it could not be avoided. The first day was definitely a period of adjustment. Imagine being on something so big and solid, yet what you are on is itself shifting from side to side or up and down. My feet were solidly placed on the deck but the deck was not solidly placed on the water.
Men are steady and sure in their proclamations until the proclamation itself is tested. Imagine Aaron proclaiming to Pharaoh that plagues would fall on Egypt unless he released Israel from bondage. God made Moses a god to Pharaoh and Aaron a prophet. Aaron was to say and do exactly what God told Moses (Exodus 7:1). No problem. With Moses by his side, the plagues happened and Pharaoh let the Israelites go. During their journey in the wilderness, God called Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel to come aside and worship Him. Moses went up unto the Lord (Exodus 24:1-2). When the people saw that Moses delayed in coming down from the mount they came to Aaron, (the prophet Aaron who was supposed to be listening to the voice of God through Moses), and brought items to Aaron who fashioned them into a molten calf and proclaimed that this was the god that brought them out of Egypt (Exodus 32:1-4). The prophets peril was that he stopped listening to God and began to listen to others.
I ponder greatly when I hear prophesies that proclaim something that I have not read in the Word of God. I jokingly call them "YouTube prophets". I have so much to learn and I'm confused when prophets give conflicting information that does not come to pass. Did I hear incorrectly? Was there a condition to the prophesy being fulfilled? Was the timing off? Because we are members of the body of Christ, it is hard to discount when a member of the body is proclaiming things of which I am not familiar. The eye cannot do what the hand does and the head cannot do what the feet do. Therefore I cannot say that I have no need of the modern day prophet (1 Corinthians 12:21). All members of the body of Christ must work together to do the work of the Lord. Alas. I have decided to stay in my lane and tell others about Jesus Christ. I'll operate under the spirit of prophesy "in my lane". My testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophesy (Revelation 19:10).
So what is the prophet to do? It is a peril - the prophet's peril. Selah
